C: Calm, no winds. We watched leaves fall to the ground and marveled at the warm weather.
O: Otherworldlyness - utopia may be a better word, where clean water spouts from walls and arches & alcoves are prolific.
Y: Yellow was the color reflecting in Coyote stream from huge fan-like yellow cottonwood leaves that also blanketed our path.
O: Outrageous monolithic rocks we hiked around with outrageous views of Coyote Canyon.
T: Travel time to trailhead from Escalante, 1 hour. Ricki's new big tires helped with the washboard roads.
E: Easy-going conversations and fun games at night (Farkle and Cribbage).
Coyote Canyon is the quintessential canyon in the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. Come hike it.